Monday, 10 September 2012

Inpage 2009 & 2011 with Complete Video Tutorials

InPage Urdu is an extremely powerful publishing software that handles Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English and other language with level of ease and harmony never achieved before. 

• Multiple User Defined Keyboards
• Support for CMYK colors
• Automatic Backup of document files
• Generation of more than one backup files
• Many more border/line patterns
• Complete support for inserting OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) objects.
• Many More Fonts. 

Downloads: (Just skip Ads)

Version 2009                                    Version 2011


                                           InPageFonts                         InPageKeyboardGuide  


InPagesymbols                         KeyBoardsLayouts


> Open InPage2009Professional.exe
> Follow on screen instructions.
> If u get stuck (Sometimes) during setup close the setup and Run the .exe again now it will be
> Now you can run the software from shortcut on desktop.

Error Solution:
If you get this Error "Failed to update the system registry please try using REGEDIT".

1. Click on Start, Run and type Regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Inpage.
3. Right-click on Corel and Select Rename.
4. Type Inpage1 so it reads HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Inpage1.
5. Close the registry editor.

Complete Video Tutorials:

I hope that this post was helpful.
Kindly let me know your feedback.
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